Pedestrian Road Accidents

Regrettably, as a pedestrian, the consequences of being hit by a car, or any other vehicle on the road for that matter, really can have extremely serious complications.

If you or someone you know has been involved in a road traffic accident and consequently been seriously injured as a pedestrian and have sustained a spinal cord injury as a result, then you should speak to a specially trained spinal injury lawyer as soon as possible.

Pedestrian Hit and Run Incidents

Please note that even in the case of a hit and run incident, or an accident involving an uninsured driver, you will still have the grounds for a claim. Your solicitor will simply file for compensation on your behalf with the Motor Insurers’ Board as opposed to the driver’s insurer.
It is important that you act quickly because this will enable us to speak to as many witnesses as possible whilst their recollection of events is still fresh in their minds. Acting quickly will also allow us to be able to gather as much evidence from the scene as possible before it is no longer useful. Both of these will crucially enable fault to be established and your claim, hopefully, to be strengthened.

Pedestrian Accident Compensation Claim

Establishing fault and liability is very important in helping us to win your case. The sooner you instruct us the sooner we can start to collect witness statements and other pieces of information and evidence that will support and hopefully enable us to win your claim.

Spinal cord injury compensation claims are very complex. As a result, they require specialist skill and should only be undertaken by a genuine expert in this field.