Criminal Assault Spinal Injuries

If your spinal cord injury has been caused as a result of a violent, criminal assault, you could be entitled to compensation.

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Compensation in this type of case works differently to other types of personal injury work. Normally a compensation claim is funded via the insurer of the party that caused the accident. However, in cases of criminal assault, your compensation is paid by a government body – the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA).

If you have been spinally injured in a criminal assault, irrespective of whether or not your attacker has been convicted, you will need to claim your compensation from CICA.

The claim process can be daunting and very complex and is not something that most people have ever been exposed to before. At Aspire Law, we can help you with your CICA claim.

We believe that you should get help from a specialist solicitor to manage your claim. It often means your claim is processed quicker. In addition, the damages that you receive are more likely to reflect accurately the level of injury that you have sustained and the level of support and rehabilitation that you will need in the future in order to live a fulfilling and independent life.

Cases conducted under the Criminal Injuries Compensation Award scheme will be subject to alternative funding arrangements. We will explain the specific details to you on a case-by-case basis.