With the risks of misunderstanding and failing to meet patient needs high, expertise is crucial. With many aspects of public services and resources sadly underfunded and undereducated when it comes to paralysis and SCI, providing the care needed becomes much more challenging, but with the right knowledge, as well as spinal cord injury specialists, learning to live post-paralysis doesn’t have to be stressful.
From the intricacies of spinal cord injury rehabilitation, helping patients adjust and recover, to learning to live in the home and achieve greater levels of independence, the needs of this e living with an SCI can be diverse and difficult to meet without the right professionals to help. This can make seeking compensation an important part of supporting recovery and care.
Dangers of misunderstanding a patient’s needs
Dealing with spinal cord injury (SCI) and spinal cord injury rehabilitation is difficult. From the initial treatments to learning to adjust to life after paralysis, many new needs and difficulties need addressing when supporting those with spinal cord injury.
Misunderstanding these essential needs can lead to drastic measures. Previously ‘regular’ problems, such as a minor spate of illness, could worsen by the likelihood of an impaired immune system post-SCI. There is a learning curve to helping address the needs, changes and likely issues facing patients dealing with spinal cord injury rehabilitation for doctors, nurses, and physical and mental health therapists alike.
The risks of failing to understand and address patient needs are not small either. With the risk of clinical negligence or failing to address autonomic dysreflexia signs, and even issues with failing to understand manual handling and log rolling, there are many aspects of caring for people dealing with paralysis to be considered, requiring a specialist understanding of the patient’s needs. Failure to meet these needs can result in massive health concerns and problems for those with spinal cord injury, which is why spinal cord injury specialists are so vital.
These problems continue into life after spinal cord injury rehabilitation. Something as simple as getting around, reaching appointments, and just leaving the house necessitates a mass of dependence on carers and public transport that often isn’t sufficiently up to the task.
Caring for someone post-spinal injury requires a degree of understanding and knowledge and can be difficult to adapt.
What needs are important in the aftermath of injury?
After an SCI, there’s a range of aspects and spinal cord injury rehabilitation that are hugely important to recovery, adjustment, and life post-SCI. Doctors and nurses are the first and most important necessities for recovering from SCI, effectively treating, and delivering acute treatment, as well as recovery care. Beyond this, social workers, occupational therapists, and physical therapists play a massive role in helping to adapt to life again.
Physical therapists focus on strength, balance, and rehabilitation, helping people return to the physical functionality possible and helping to understand and utilise the equipment available, such as wheelchairs or braces. Occupational therapists play an essential role when learning to live as independently as possible, helping with elements like bathing, dressing, and living at home.
Many professionals and spinal cord injury specialists help families and loved ones develop the skills, understanding and knowledge necessary to help care for and assist SCI patients through spinal cord injury rehabilitation. This allows them to feel competent with the often complex tasks and skills required. Mental health specialists can also play a major role when dealing with the likely risk of depression, anxiety, and PTSD after the injury.
How Aspire Law can help during spinal cord injury rehabilitation
From clinical negligence to workplace injuries, there are many circumstances in which SCI patients are entitled to compensation. With recovery often demanding, expensive and an absolute necessity, having the resources to ensure you’re receiving the best aftercare possible is hugely important.
We support those with spinal cord injury and their families through their claims, providing leading legal guidance. Spinal cord injury rehabilitation and learning to live after paralysis are essential considerations, and finances shouldn’t limit recovery and health. Get in touch with us today to find out more.