Disability discrimination

The Equality Act 2010 provides the legal framework to ensure that disabled people are treated fairly.
Disabled people have rights in education, in the workplace, in the provision of goods and services, when renting and buying property and in the function of public bodies. Under the Equality Act, it is unlawful to discriminate against someone who has a disability.

However, discrimination does happen, and it can take many forms. Sadly, there are any number of situations in which someone may feel discriminated against because of their disability. It can be direct or indirect, and it may even involve harassment or victimisation.

Aspire Law is here to help if you are facing discrimination of any kind as a result of your spinal cord injury.

Some of our clients with spinal cord injuries face problems with their employer when they want to return to work. We have been able to help them with this. A person who has experienced discrimination from an employer can bring a claim in an employment tribunal including a claim for a declaration of discrimination, compensation and recommendations.

In the case of discrimination by an organisation that provides a service or a public function, it is possible to bring a claim in the County Court.

At Aspire Law, we have considerable experience in dealing with disability discrimination claims and we can guide you through the process.