Aspire Law FAQ’s
Your questions and concerns answered

Question: Why Should I Contact a Lawyer about a Spinal Cord Injury?


Contact a lawyer about a spinal cord injury today to receive the dedicated support you deserve. Click to learn more.

Question: What Should I Do If I Think I Was to Blame For My Spinal Cord Injury?


What should I do If I think I was to blame For my spinal cord injury? Click to learn more about how we can help.

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Question: How Soon Should I Contact Aspire Law After a Spinal Cord Injury?


Knowing when to contact us after a spinal cord injury is crucial. Click to learn more about how we can help.

Question: Can you help me obtain a better care package?


We have a dedicated team who work on this type of case and can represent you even if you do not have a personal injury claim. For some initial and free advice please contact a member of the team on 0800 030 20 40.

Question: I want to return to work after my accident, but my employer will not let me. Is this legal?


We can help you negotiate your return to work with your employer once you feel that you have made a full recovery. If you feel that your employer is not willing to cooperate and allow you to return, then please call Damian Horan on 0800 030 20 40 for free initial advice.

Question: I am not getting any support from the local authority. Are you able to help?


We have a dedicated team who work on this type of case and can represent you even if you do not have a personal injury claim. For some initial and free advice please contact Paula Barnes on 0800 030 20 40.

Question: My injury happened whilst I was serving in the armed forces. Are you able to help me?


Yes, we do have experience of making claims against the Ministry of Defence.

Question: My child is under the age of 18 and has sustained a spinal injury. Can you help me?


Yes, we can with parental consent represent children and young people under the age of 18. We also have solicitors who are expert in making sure that in these circumstances the current and future educational needs of the child are fully met.

Question: I am struggling to pay the mortgage. Can you help me?


Yes, that’s what we are here for. We can contact your mortgage company on your behalf to explain your circumstances and ask them to be patient whilst we work on your claim. A well-worded letter from a reputable solicitor can be very effective.

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