Seven figure award for motorcyclist unable to stop at red light A case which presented a difficult challenge for our client who was travelling in excess of the speed limit and…
£4.5 million settlement for motorcyclist after collision with a car Another great outcome for an Aspire Law client following the life changing injuries he suffered after a road traffic collision.…
£2.5 million pay-out for motorcyclist following untraced rider’s negligence An outstanding outcome for this extremely deserving client who was left with complete paraplegia following a fall from his motorcycle.…
Success for motorcyclist whose claim was denied by defendant Mr PR was riding a motorcycle filtering traffic when the Defendant emerged from a side entrance, emerging from a gap…
£6.5m for client knocked off motorbike Our client, a motorcyclist was left paraplegic when the defendant driver pulled out of a side road and into the…
Car Driver hits Motorcyclist Causing Serious Spinal Injury Mr M was injured when he was travelling on his motorcycle