£13.1m for young man injured by family member in car crash

Our client was a passenger in a car being driven by a family member. The driver of the vehicle lost control of the car and ploughed into the central reservation of the motorway. Our client unfortunately took the brunt of the impact and sustained a complete C3 spinal cord injury leaving him tetraplegic.


Following the collision, it transpired that the driver had been under the influence of alcohol and it was argued that our client should have been aware of this. Further, it was argued that our client was not wearing a seatbelt, a point which was strongly contested.


During the claim interim funds were secured to enable our client to leave NHS rehabilitation and be immediately admitted to private, inpatient rehabilitation, a factor which hugely helped his outlook and psychological recovery. Upon discharge our client was able to move directly into accessible, single level accommodation. A private case manager was recruited to oversee his care as well as implementing and overseeing a private, at home rehabilitation programme.


Our client was an extremely committed individual who was focused on his rehabilitation. With the support of his family and his specialist solicitors at Aspire Law, he was able to rehabilitate to the best of his potential and rebuild his life.

Contact Us

If you or a close member of your family have recently sustained a spinal cord injury, you will need expert advice and assistance. You could be eligible for spinal injury compensation. Please fill out our content form and one of our spinal injury solicitors will get in touch with you.